Sunday, October 25, 2015

A mirror is life, project happiness, reflecting back it must!~Yogini Yoda

Even Yoda takes time out to be creative! I have always found writing and drawing vital elixirs that help me stay on the light side.
For me art is a necessary expression.
Here is a little inspiration to get you going:

Humor is important!

You have to laugh!
What we project is what we receive!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Love is the realization, a drop in the cosmic ocean you are!~Yogini Yoda

There is only LOVE.
We Yogis have been doing all we can to teach this to people for millennia.It is a great insight and one that frees us from a great many fears. Really feeling love for all beings and nature is a way to honor our connection to all that is. This is a realization that we are a part of the great cosmic ocean.

American poet E. E. Cummings wrote,
      "For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), 
 It's always our self we find in the sea.
In addition to realizing that we are a part of this great flowing universe we must then imagine beyond boundaries.

In order to do this, we must always focus on Love.

Let go of your fears.
Fear is the antithesis of love.

There are many emotions that spawn from the sensations of fear and all of them indeed lead to suffering.

There is no need to be caught in darkness.
Flip the switch of your hearts love-light on!

In order to overcome fear we must comprehend the concept of impermanence. This helps us to live each moment as a great gift. When health challenges occur we must give them space to be. This diminishes their powerful grip and alleviates suffering.

Go outside and connect with nature. Listen to the wind sing. Smell the plants, flowers and earth. Taste the sweet water and feel the sun on your skin. Sit quietly and let nature sing you her symphony.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Happiness is an unfolding, force not the lotus to bloom young Jedi! ~ Yogini Yoda

Happiness unfolds like a beautiful lotus flower. 
We must be patient and ask the petals of the heart to unfold. Things that make us feel good and inspire laughter are the best elixirs.

I have been a longtime fan of Weird Al Yankovic and first heard him in the glow of my little radio listening to Dr. Demento in Philly. If this song wasn't enough to get you giggling...try a whole concert!

This Yogini Yoda feels it is very important to always encourage humor. 
We may not fully understand what makes others laugh. Sometimes it may not be our cup of tea.

Laughing a cookie for the mind it is...
Humor is tea that melts the thought waves and extracts the essence of good.
~Yogini Yoda

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Love is respect for all living beings. Love you must each other today!

Once we learn to really feel and then reside in our own hearts, we can then love others and eventually all beings with grace and understanding. Meditation is the greatest teacher.

We talk about it and have good intentions to do it, but often we can become sideswiped by reaction.
A great teacher once to me, "The first reaction is for free!"
As we practice noticing this we are able to watch and stop the cycle of re-reaction.

This brings a great deal of peace to to our hearts and to the people around us.

The author Anne Enright said,

"I have no place left to live but in my own heart."

Thank goodness her folks gave her an electric typewrite for her 21st birthday. She went on to write many brilliant ideas.

Passion for loving all who are not only in our immediate world but in the entire world is what we have come here to learn. It is our dharma.

I wish you bliss and happiness and honor the light that shines brightly within you, for it twinkles and reflects in the inner light within me.
~Yogini Yoda

Thursday, October 8, 2015

"Meditation is the key that unlocks the door to happiness." Yogini Yoda

Just like my favorite little green guy, I have been a teacher of something or another for as long as I can remember. Over the years some have even called me wise. Just recently they began calling me Yoda. So I figured why not own it!

Many inspired words have been written on my social media wall and I have decided it is time to give them a home.

I hadn't had Star wars fever since the trilogy but now with the promise of that vibe returning I wield my keyboard like light saber and promise to bring you things to make you go hmm just like our favorite little green guru.

Yoda said "Always pass on what you have learned"
and in my decades of studying and teaching Yoga and Holistic Health, there has been a great wealth of knowledge.
NASA Astronomer, Dr Michelle Thaller once said "What is human existence? It turns out it’s pretty simple: We are dead stars, looking back up at the sky."

It is my intention to get you looking up. After all I am an Astrologer with a deep love of Astronomy. I hope you feel the force and that it is good.

"Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view." Yoda

This is what I have been learning in my daily meditations. Yoda once guided Obi-Wan to clear his mind in order to see who the real villain is. It is indeed the mind as it fools us into believing it is who we are.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda

May the force be with you as we travel through the galaxy in peace, love and harmony.