Monday, August 27, 2018

Create Jedi—You are a co-creator with the Universe! ~Yogini Yoda

We are co-creators with the Universe!
That is right! We are here as co-creators? So what are you waiting for?
You don't need a red or blue pill to Enter the Matrix your words are creating it! But, even before they leave your lips, the thought seeds of words begin to settle and sprout.
The great philosopher Hafez said, 
The words you speak become the house you live in.
When I taught holistic health at the college level I insisted that my students read:
If you haven't read it, I ask you to!
Find your copy here 
Please pay close attention to the First Agreement:
Be impeccable with your word.
The concept is absolute genius!
So, watch your thoughts in Meditation
Be Mindful of the words that come out of your mouth!
The best way to slow things down is to practice a mind-quieting Pranayama like Bhramari breath.
I have taught this to thousands of people over the years and find it to be absolutely magickal in its ability to instantly quiet the mind!
Still craving more?
 Engage me for a private session via video chat or bring me to your studio to teach!
Have you read my book on: Happiness, Health, Ayurveda and Meditation?
Find your copy of Unfolding Happiness here!
 It is my pleasure to guide you!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Guard energy—you must, young Jedi! ~Yogini Yoda

Are you being drained by someone you love? 
Do you have intense full-bodily-felt sensations when you are with certain people? Do you need a lot of recovery time after being in social situations or with certain people? Are you feeling drained?
It is likely you are empathic and are not fully grounded, centered, cleansed, or shielded. These are integral processes that are needed for all of us and especially in the case of highly sensitive people.
I know this particular group can feel challenged. For all empaths—as this is the group that tends to feel preyed upon by narcissists and other forms of energy vampires—it is of the utmost importance to learn to do the following: Centering, Grounding, Cleansing, Shielding, and Protecting. It is also very important to get in touch with all of the gross senses associated with the physical body, then the level of super-sensing and finally the clear or psychic senses.
One must also be sure the senses are giving the messages and not the ego mind!
There are tools you can use!
I keep Shungite and Selenite in my environment. Selenite is the white crystal above. It is great for absorbing EMFs and keeping the energy clean. Shungite is the black crystal above. I find it to be better than shielding stones like Tourmaline and Smokey quartz. Shungite crystals transmute negative and challenging energy into positive. Selenite cleans everything it touches energetically  Both are Selenite and Shungite are self-cleaning!
You can also carry a piece or wear it as jewelry. 
Learn to recognize that allowing your energy to be drawn from you is a choice!
It is a two way exchange!
Are you giving permission for this to happen? 
Would you like to learn more about this?
Join me for classes in the Psychic Arts department of the Grey School of Wizardry!
This could be coming from a thought loop of wanting to be nice, or be liked. Even with those who are hurtful, or we deem anything but love we must look at our own fears and then give love, give more love and as Christie Marie Sheldon says, "Love and above!" 

Begin your journey of self-love and learning with my book, Unfolding Happiness!
Find your copy Here!

Need coaching and guidance? Contact me today!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Clean and Clear you must Jedi! ~ Yogini Yoda

The burning of Sage and other magickal herbs is a lovely technique and I use it often. I enjoy using Palo Santo for sweetness however my go to daily cleanse is essential oils in a very old and cherished hand-blown glass atomizer. I run a combination of oils in my sleeping space every morning and usually use a combination of Clove, Oregano, Thyme, and Helichrysum oils. This keeps one extremely healthy and free of viruses, bacteria, and is quite effective for keeping the physical body clear of parasites. 
Please note that one should conduct internal cleansing twice a year preferably in Spring and Autumns to keep clear of potential illness.
In addition I use Selenite and Shungite crystals throughout the house along with many more for various purposes. Selenite clears and cleans anything it touches. I also place a piece in one of the pillow cases on my bed and keep a large rod of it on my desk where I work and on my divination table. Shungite transmutes negative energy into positive and I feel it is of the utmost importance to create as much positive energy that we are able to. Both stones absorb EMFs. Please note that these two crystals are self-cleaning and never need to be in water.

Do not attempt to make elixirs from Selenite or Shungite as they are toxic! Selenite is quite fragile and does not work for jewelry however cleansing your necklaces, rings, and bracelets by placing them touching Selenite when not wearing them helps the stones and metals to generate at peak performance when placed upon the body after such a cleansing!
Shungite is a great stone to wear though I do not recommend bathing with it on the body.

It has a concentration of Arsenic as do other stones like Tiger's Eye and Malachite. The two latter should never be used in an elixir either! It is important when choosing crystals to learn the chemical compounds as well as the magickal uses! This of course is true of the plant world!
I also always keep a few Himalayan salt lamps on in various rooms as well which clean the air and keep negative ions generated. This helps dust to fall to the floor and keeps the air very clean as well as creating a great deal of happiness.
Bathing is of the utmost importance! It is recommended to bathe in the morning upon rising and in the evening before retiring. When we submerge in water or stand in a shower the energetic fields of the body dry in and like a sponge wring out anything they have picked up. 
Try using salt rather then soap to really shift your energy!
Please let me know how this works for you!
Engage me for consultations and self-enrichment workshops!

Study in the Psychic Arts department with me at the
and major in Meditation!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

How to do Bhramari Breath with Ambika Devi

Ambika leads you in a soothing Bhramari Pranayama.

Ambika's research in meditation is earning her a doctorate in the
field. Her two books on the topic have won international awards. Ambika
guides you in Yoga Mystery School teachings utilizing Vedic chanting,
cosmic sounds with her voice, and techniques from Yoga Nidra that seduce
the mind into pure quiet. The result is a full body felt deep-trance
state of meditation!

More about Ambika here: Call Ambika for more information on the meditation: 772.233.8229
Learn more about Ambika Devi and read her full bio at Visit Ambika Devi’s home page at: Enjoy her Astrology blog at and her Yoga wisdom blog at

Friday, March 23, 2018

One with the Universe we are Jedi however—it our job to keep it positive! ~ Yogini Yoda

Recently I have been experimenting with revisiting creative visualization young Jedis. As many of you know I have been meditating since 1967. This began when I was a student at the Abington Friends School as tiny child. You have to love a school that has the word friends in their name!

Back then I fell in love with the Quaker style of sitting silently for an hour on Wednesday mornings with everyone. Later in high school I added a two hour seated meditation with my school mates on Sundays. This is the antique meeting house that still hosts weekly meditations on the property that once belonged to William Penn!

Over the years I have been certified as an instructor and taught many forms of meditation including traditional seated silent Meditation, Mantras, Creative Visualization, and Yoga Nidra. I have experimented with Bi-neural beats and Innerpulse brainwave entrainment equipment both myself and with students and clients. Added to this list are my certifications in hypnosis and NLP. These last two weeks I have been revisiting many of these very valuable tools to help clear the mind-stuff and rejuvenate creativity. This and the constant thirst for learning is what drives me and inspires me daily! In addition, I know that when I am learning I am happiest!
Experimenting with various forms of meditation and mind control is a passion of mine. After 21 years of teaching holistic health for colleges in three different states, I retired in 2000 when I woke up to the fact that it is the mind and our relationship to it, that needs healing, not so much the physical body.

My recent need for a transfusion of knowledge led me to find my way to Mindvalley. Here I have been experiencing classes and quests led by superb instructors delivered in a great format to both my computer and devices. The delivery configuration is really remarkable and it is so wonderful to be able to take my classes with me whenever and wherever I choose. I find myself daydreaming to be an instructor for this wonder-filled organization and have already become a lifetime member of their tribe.

It is a wonderful gift when we stretch outside our self-imposed boxes. My current effort to do this is including a combination of silent meditation along with creative visualization and hypnosis at various points throughout the day. I have noticed intense dreams returning and I want to see just how much more happiness I can create to radiate to everyone around me. Today I watched people's expressions change from gloomy to smiles as I passed them at the grocery store. These three tools together seem to create a magical cocktail of happiness!
As you know I am a huge fan of happiness as it is the topic of my second book, Unfolding Happiness an introduction to happiness, health and Ayurveda with a great deal of hands on experiences in meditation written along with Ayurvedic doctor Vijay Jain, MD.
You might find it strange that a seasoned meditator wants to listen to a beginner level guided meditation. I am finding it to be rather magickal—I like to add the "k" as it is even more magickal! In creative visualization this morning, I had a flash insight into what is consciousness and found that it is centered in Vishuddha chakra.
The magick of the throat chakra is that words coming out of our mouths circulate back into our heads and there transform into images.

These pictures are the communication that form our realities.
The miraculous best-selling author, motivational speaker, leading celebrity therapist, and pioneering hypnotherapist trainer, Marisa Peer teaches about the importance of keeping the pictures in our heads positive, especially about ourselves. She encourages us to look at the words we use to describe ourselves and our situations. This inspired me to share a list of positive words with my students today. I urge you to have a look at the words and phrases you use on a regular basis to describe your relationship to money and abundance, career and relationships and your level of health and happiness. I have placed this on my mirror and around my home at eye-level to infuse myself with love. I hope you are going to do the same.
As Marisa advises, ask a friend to tell you the words they hear you speak repeatedly. If you find words that need to flip over to the positive, you can look up antonyms or search for new words here. I am so grateful for the inspiration and healing love I am receiving from this wise Yoda's teaching! Try putting I Am in front of one of these words for a potent infusion of self-love. This is a really dynamic way to make an affirmation!
Speaker, author, former business school professor and creator of Creativity and Personal Mastery, a course designed to affect personal transformation, Srikumar S. Rao is going to be my next great instructor at Mindvalley. I took a class with him today on the topic of resilience and am so excited to be going on a 45 day quest with him beginning in April. I invite you to join me!

Here is another an amazing video on Ted delivered by this fellow Yoda giving wisdom on happiness.

I hope I am inspiring you to learn and grow today and that you realize your mission. Let us all focus for a few minutes each day on making this world happier and healthier for all.
Do you crave knowing more?  Visit:
Do you want to stake classes with me? Visit:  and take classes in Psychic Arts.
Would you like a private session in Meditation? Contact me.
With LOVE and Magick always,
Yogini Yoda

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Know thyself you must Jedi!

In the age old wisdom of the Vedas, four books of science and knowledge from the ancient eastern lands is written: आत्मानं विद्धि pronounced AtmAnaM viDhi. It is the phrase, "Know Thyself." This is one of the true purposes of Meditation and the Psychic Arts. AtmAm is the nature of one's soul, the true self. This is the light and energy that science is just now acknowledging regarding what we human beings truly made of. What this esoteric statement is poetically teaching is this:
1. Direct experience is the foundation of true knowledge.
2. In order to truly experience anything, one must fully merge with it or become one with it.
3. The experience one has determines the quality and ability to fully merge.
4. All dualities must be embraced and unified. One must move beyond, “I like it, I don’t like it,” and be fully immersed in, and unified with the experience.
5. It is human nature to avoid dualities. This is a quality of beta behavior. Therefore we must push through and embrace seemingly uncomfortable situations. How do you accomplish this? If you believe you do not like something, can you accept that others do? Can you be comfortable in a situation that you normally avoid? Can you immerse yourself in what you perceive as uncomfortable and find acceptance?
6. In your quest, the mind identifies obstacles. The mind fools you. You are not the mind. The mind is a tool that you have a unique connection to. It is exterior. The mind constructs what you perceive as reality.
Strive to find the light in your own being and in the being of others and all things. The greatest gift the world has to offer you is knowledge. Realize there is no such thing as time for you truly are an infinite being wearing the cloak of a physical body, like the robes of a wizard. Become fully absorbed in all experiences and wear your wizardly robes humbly.
When you are able to become fully absorbed in situations and fully embrace them, there is no possibility of being disturbed or distracted. Duality confuses the mind to perceive that all things are separate from the observer.
Just as are motto of Grey School, where I teach says, “Omnia vivunt, omnia inter se conexa,” which translates to, “Everything is alive, everything is connected,” we must not just accept the statement but become it!
Practice silencing the mind in the deep-trance-state of meditation and know thyself!